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The Love Interviews- Hayley & Morgan


Hi everyone! The Love Interview series continues today with the breakout couple of the Something Just Ain’t Right series, Hayley & Morgan! Let’s find out what these two been up to since their series ended two years ago.

SB: Hi Hayley and Morgan! This is truly an honor to be sitting down with you two.

Hayley: We’re glad to be here, Sheena.

SB: When your story first came about, it was sort of a transition period for me as I branched out into the urban genre. I didn’t expect for this book to be such a huge success. Readers were shocked to read some of the things that occurred between you two.

Morgan: Seriously?

SB: Uh, yes! I mean, you two have endured so much. At first, it was just a typical love story, but with you two running from killers and deranged family members, your story was made for a good Lifetime movie.

Hayley: LOL! I wouldn’t go that far.

SB: I said it was. But tell me, if you had to change anything from those moments you two had experienced, what would they be?

Hayley: Probably me getting shot. That’s something I would definitely change.

Morgan: That’s something that I would change, too. I never want to experience that again.

Hayley: The two of us have been through a lot, but it showed a different side to us that I’m glad we were both able to share with each other. That is something that I wouldn’t change.

SB: I really hope you don’t get offended, Hales, but I can see why you fought so hard to be with Morgan. He’s hot!

Hayley: I know.

SB: You’re blushing. That’s so cute!

Hayley: I’m pretty lucky.

Morgan: No, I’m the lucky one. I always had a thing for Hales since we were kids, so I’m extremely blessed that I finally have her.

Hayley: I feel the same way, Morgan.

SB: Speaking of your childhood, let’s talk about Lamar. How is he, by the way?

Morgan: He’s good. Aren’t you interviewing him and Tamara tomorrow?

SB: I am, but I just wanted to see how he’s doing.

Morgan: He’s good.

SB: So things are still good between you two?

Morgan: Yeah; why wouldn’t they be? We resolved all the issues we had with each other and we’re pretty tight now.

Hayley: Especially since we’re all family now.

Morgan: We were always family, but it’s just official since we’re married.

SB: I must say, married life is definitely working for you two.

Hayley: It is. We’re very happy and more in love than ever.

SB: That’s good to hear. And how’s your son, MJ?

Morgan: Morgan Jr. is doing fine. He just turned one last month.

SB: Any more children in the future?

Hayley: We wouldn’t rule it out, but our lives are so hectic right now with me being a talent coordinator and Morgan’s a cop…

SB: Whoa. Morgan, you’re a cop?

Morgan: Hard to believe, huh?

SB: You can say that.

Morgan: After what happened, I felt I should do something that would make a difference, so after Hayley had MJ, I decided to join the force. Of course she didn’t really like the idea.

Hayley: I figured we were in a good place; I didn’t want anything else to happen to you.

Morgan: It won’t, Hales. Besides, I’m more into the white collar crimes. Nothing will happen to me with those.

Hayley: You never know.

SB: Are you investigating a case now?

Morgan: I am, but I can’t discuss it.

SB: That’s understandable. What about your family? Are they still in prison?

Morgan: Yes, they are. They’ll be locked away for a long time, so that we don’t have to worry about.

SB: And Kyle?

Morgan: He’s doing well. He recently got engaged to Demetria, so they’re planning their wedding now.

SB: Wow, I didn’t think those two were still together. But give him my congrats.

Morgan: Of course.

SB: Is there something that you wanted to share with your readers about an upcoming event for you two.

Hayley: Yes! Morgan and I do have something great to share. You approached us to do a short story which we agreed to do. It would be fun for you all to catch up on where our lives are now.

SB: It definitely will be. Again, Morgan and Hayley, thank you so much for taking the time out to talk with me.

Morgan: Anytime, Sheena

Hayley: Of course!

SB: Hayley and Morgan’s short story will be available sometime this summer. It will only be on my blog, so if you are a SJAR fan, you will definitely want to read this! If you haven’t read the series, it is available only on Amazon.

Check back tomorrow as I interview Lamar & Tamara as they discuss the upcoming spin-off to the SJAR series, If It Isn’t Love.

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