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The Book Catalog- #12


Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all enjoying The Book Catalog as much as I am. It’s truly amazing to relive specific stories and appreciate the significance each book brings to my collection. I feel blessed to be doing something I love, and I hope to continue this passion for many years to come.

Now, we’re at book #12, which is Only You.

Only You is a spin-off story from the Love, Life, & Happiness series, focusing on Drew, who is the brother of Cheryl, Kevin, and Elise. The narrative follows Drew as he prepares to officially become a doctor while navigating the daily routine of a resident. During this time, he encounters Kayla, and he quickly develops a crush on her. However, both Drew and Kayla are dealing with their own personal struggles, which helps them form a strong connection that neither can deny.

I enjoyed writing this story, primarily because of Drew’s personal growth. When he was first introduced in the series, he was an arrogant, cocky resident who didn’t care who was in his way to get what he wanted. His upbringing largely shaped who he was. However, once he got to know his family, he developed a softer side. As an only child, all he ever wanted was a family that cared for him, which helped him become more in touch with his humanity.

Seeing his softer side made readers root for him to find love. I aimed to capture this through his budding relationship with Kayla. I loved their slow-burn romance, as they started as friends before developing into something more.

This book also made me realize how much I have missed writing these characters, so expect another spin-off with Gina and Grant next year.

If you haven't read Only You, it's available exclusively on Amazon and free with Kindle Unlimited.

Here’s an excerpt from the story from Kayla's perspective, as Drew helps her during a difficult situation. Enjoy!

The past few days had been very weird, especially since I was still nursing a broken relationship.

I was supposed to had been on vacation but, since we had a new account for this huge community event and I was the top advisor for the company, I had to cut it short.

At first, I was a bit upset about it, but it's actually helping me take my mind off of Silas. I didn't have to think about why our relationship failed; instead, I could concentrate on work and trying to get this event off the ground.

I walked down the hospital corridor feeling confident for what I would accomplish today, when I almost bumped into the person I didn't want to see.

"Oh, it's you."

"Good morning to you, too."

I stared at Drew and sighed. Since our last confrontation, I didn't want to talk to him but, after I thought about what happened, I realized that maybe I was too hard on him. I was upset over something that he had nothing to do with.

Maybe it was good I was seeing him, so I could be the bigger person and apologize for my behavior. "Are you going to go off on me today for something I still didn't know I did?"

"I'm actually glad I ran into you because I wanted to apologize."

Drew's expression soften as he gave me his attention. "Okay."

"I guess it wasn't you that I was upset with; it was mainly my issues with Gina.

Throughout the years, we sort of been close, but we did share a difference in opinions with my ex, so we stopped talking for a bit. We reconnected when she found out I left him."

Drew slowly nodded. "Oh."

"That day when I went off, it wasn't because of you, so I wanted to tell you that."

"Okay, apology accepted. Sometimes with family, things can be complicated, so I can understand."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Drew was about to walk towards the elevator, which I was too. Hopefully our conversation wouldn't continue to be awkward.

We approached the door when Drew smiled. "I guess you're going up as well."

"Yeah. I have a meeting with the committee. The members really do have some great ideas for the event."

"That's great. As I mentioned before, if you need any help, I'll be glad to."

"Thanks. I might actually need it. I just hope you'll be able to work with me."

"It'll be cool. As long as you don't go off on me again."

"I can't promise that. You do seem kind of arrogant and cocky."

"I think you're referring to someone else.”

"I'm talking to the right person. I know cockiness when I see it."

I smiled as I looked at Drew. I had to admit, he was sexy.

Very sexy.

The door opened as he held his hand out to let me go in. I quickly went inside as he did the same. We patiently waited until the door closed, leaving the two of us completely alone.

"Y'all meeting in the conference room?"

"Not this time. I'm going to the fifth floor. I'm meeting with Dr. Burgess and Dr. Ramirez today."

"Oh, okay. Dr. Burgess' office is up there, so I can take you."

"You don't have to."

"It's no problem."

Drew flashed a sweet smile, which had my heart do a little pit-pat. I hadn't felt that in some time. Hell, I hadn't felt that in a long time.

He pressed the fifth button floor, and the ride began. I felt a bit woozy, which normally happened when I was on an elevator. I could ride them, it's just the going up and down parts what got to me.

I leaned back on the railing, becoming nauseous as Drew glanced at me.

"Are you okay?"

I gave a swift nod before staring ahead.

"I'm fine. I just get a little anxious on elevators."

"Why? Bad childhood experience?"

I looked ahead, not wanting to talk about it because it sounded silly, especially since I was a grown woman.

"No, I'm just afraid of heights. I always have been. I don't fly on planes, I don't do roller coasters. None of that. Pretty weird, huh? Especially since I'm almost 30."

Drew shook his head. "Not at all."

We stared at each other when we felt a huge shake. I almost fell forward when Drew grabbed me. He held onto me as the shaking continued, resulting in the power going out.

"Oh, my God!" I exclaimed.

I really didn't want the elevator malfunctioning. I already couldn't stand being on one, so this would put my fear in one to a higher level.

"What's going on?" I asked while gripping my nails into Drew's skin. He flinched but didn't let go of me.

"I don't know. This never happens."

"Of course it does when I'm on here. Fuck."

The emergency lights came on, as Drew went to pushed the emergency button. "It shouldn't take long for someone to know we're stuck."

"You said this never happened."

"It doesn't."

"You don't even know how long it'll take for someone to find us."

"Someone will. Just calm down." "I can't when I'm stuck on a damn elevator!"

Drew looked sympathetic as he grabbed onto my shoulders. "You need to relax and breathe."

"I can't breathe right now!"

"You need to. It'll help."

He guided me by taking slow, deep breaths. We started to do them together while he caressed my shoulders. It was actually helping. Maybe it wasn't just the breathing that was calming me down. The way he was touching me felt very soothing.

"One more time. Breathe in and then release."

I took his instructions and did it, which finally made me relaxed.

"Feel okay?"

I slowly nodded. "Thank you."

"No problem."

"Is that what you do before a surgery to relax?"

He nodded. "I do, among other times. It helps relieve my anxiety."


"Yeah. I, uh, suffer from panic attacks. I was having them way before I became a doctor."

"Wow. I would have never known that."

"Why? Because I'm cocky and arrogant."


"I'm also human, so it can happen."

I agreed by giving a tiny smile. He didn't have to tell me that, but it did show that everyone had something in them to overcome.

He led me to the floor, so we could sit down. "We might as well, since we don't know when someone can repair the elevator."

"You seriously want to sit down on the elevator floor? There's no telling how many people been in here. No telling what type of activities been going on in here too."

"Suit yourself, but I'm going to rest," he said.

He sat down while I continued to stand. He pulled out his phone, which led him to look to the ceiling. "There's no cell signal, but probably wouldn't have since the power was knocked out."

"That's wonderful," I mumbled.

"Someone is going to come. Just give it some time."

I went to the emergency button and pressed it several times. If they didn't hear it the first time, they surely would once I was done with it.

"Will you stop?" he demanded.

He gently pushed me away and had me sit down on the floor with him.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, as I began to hum. I did that sometimes when I was nervous. I started getting louder when Drew pinched me.


"I get it that you're nervous, but that's not going to work."

"Maybe for you it won't, but I'll be fine." Drew scoffed.

"Fine, let's talk. If we have a conversation, it'll help calm our nerves."

I nodded. "Okay, but you lead it since it was your idea."

"Cool. What made you want to become a consultant?"

I shrugged. "Because it was a job I got straight out of college."

"I'm sure it was more than just that."

I leaned my head against the wall and was silent to take some thought into Drew's question.

"It was part of that, but I believe it was because it sounded fun. I was able to help companies plan out their visions and see it come to light. It was rewarding."

"Was there anything else you wanted to do?"

I smiled. "I wanted to be a ballerina. Maybe become a principal dancer and go to New York. That was my ultimate dream."

"Why didn't you pursue it?"

I shrugged. "Because it was a pipe dream. I was good, but I wasn't that good to be a principal dancer."

"You probably were, you just didn't know it. Do you still dance?"

"In my spare time when I'm stressed over something. It's sort of my outlet. But, enough about me. Did you always wanted to become a doctor?"

Drew nodded. "Ever since I was five and was playing with a toy doctor's kit my mom bought me. Throughout the years, I learned more about medicine and different procedures so, when I went to college and medical school, I'll already know what to look forward to. But I think being a doctor was more for my mother than me."

"I know from Gina that she passed away from cancer."

Drew looked sad, which made me wished I hadn't said that. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to bring up anything..."

"No, you're okay. But, yes, she did. My mom's dream was to be a psychologist, and I believe she always found a way to push one of her kids into medicine, whether it was myself or Cheryl. I guess because we were her youngest and thought she wouldn't have a chance to go pursue her dream."

"She shouldn't have tried to push y'all into going after her dream."

"She didn't. I wanted to practice medicine, so it wasn't a big deal. But now, I just feel as if becoming a doctor is not just for me, but for my dad too."

"Did he push you as well?"

"To a certain extent. He tries to look out for me, even though I'm old enough to look out for myself."

"With parents, no matter how old you are, they're still going to protect you at all costs."

"Is that how your parents are?" I sighed.

"They were when they were alive. My dad died when I was seven and my mom passed away three years ago."

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm assuming Gina never told you."

Drew shook his head. "No. She never really talked about your parents."

I exhaled, figuring she wouldn't. That was a hard topic for either one of us to discuss. I guess Drew seen the look I had because before I knew it, his hand was caressing my shoulder again. The expression he had was purely sympathetic, which made my heart skip a beat or two.

We were still staring when a loud voice boomed onto the speaker, causing the both of us to jump.

"Hello. Hello. It's dispatch. Are you still in need of help?"

"Yes! Please tell me you all are working on the issue," Drew mentioned.

"Yes. Please remain calm as someone will be getting you out in a few minutes."

Drew thanked dispatch before the voice faded.

I sighed, relieved that someone knew we were here. "See, I told you everything would be okay."

"Yeah. Thank you."

"No problem. At least in the short time we were here, we had a chance to get to know each other."

"We really did."

"I hope this won't cause any issues with your meeting."

"I'm sure someone will know about the elevator. I just hope you didn't have to check on a patient."

"I'll be fine. But I'm glad I was here for you since you were freaking out."

I could tell Drew was joking by his expression, but I really did appreciate him being with me. I gave a warm smile, and he nodded.

We heard a bit of movement as the elevator was moving. It suddenly stopped and the door flew opened, as a maintenance worker and a paramedic appeared.

"Is everyone okay?" the paramedic asked.

"We're fine. Just glad to be out," I said. I hopped up, completely forgetting about Drew.

"We're good. Thank you," Drew said while slowly getting up.

I was out the door and halfway down the hall when Drew was calling my name. "Hey! What's the rush? You had enough of me that quick?"

"Sorry, I just needed to get out of there."

"It's fine. But, get to your meeting. I'll talk to you soon."

"I'm sure. And thank you, again."

"No problem."

Drew smiled again before heading in the opposite direction.

I watched him walk away, realizing that we could be friends but, for some reason, I felt that the small moment in the elevator was only just that.

We’re almost to the top ten stories of The Book Catalog, so check back tomorrow to see which book will be #11.

Until next time, happy reading! :-)


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