Welcome back! We are at Day 5 of the ‘Swirling Around Love’ Multicultural Event. Today’s featured author is none other than, Carey Anderson.
So, here goes …

Carey Anderson
Carey Anderson was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. At a very young age she learned that she had a natural gift for storytelling. Carey would entertain her family and friends with stories about anything going on in her life or theirs.
During a time when everyone begins to ask their selves “who am I” this question was answered for Carey. Her teacher, who brought out all things creative within her, read her story aloud to the class. “Mrs. Dyes assigned a homework assignment to write a story about where Butterflies got their colors. I turned in my tale of how Martin Luther Butterfly helped all the world, and most importantly butterflies, receive their much-needed colors to make the world a wonderful place. At first I was so embarrassed, because I thought everyone would laugh at me and make fun of my story. When I realized they were laughing with me at my colorful story I couldn’t put my pen down. I’d write short stories, poetry, journal entries, etc.” Carey started writing stories as
an outlet for the things going on in her life. Once she was in high school she began receiving extra credit from her English teacher for writing stories during her free time after school and on the weekends. Her English teacher suggested that she look into writing children’s books, which she still, may do one day. However, writer’s block affected Carey for quite a few years. She would attempt to start stories, but she would never finish them.
During a really turbulent time in Carey’s life she began writing what is now known as The Wallace Family Affairs Volume One Tracy’s Complications, on her iPhone just as a little doodle. “I was going through some pretty rough things. My only escape from that reality was to look at my situation and imagine it differently. That’s why Volume One starts off like it does. I didn’t know it was going to be a story when Tracy started telling her story. Through the encouragement of my oldest and dearest friends my escape took me to a whole world of its own.” Carey wanted to share her stories immediately with the world so she decided to go down the path of self-publishing.
Quickly after finishing Volume I, Carey began Volume II the story of her life. “I put so many of my family members in that story it’s ridiculous!” Carey comes from a large family of cousins, and siblings so having such a large family on Amber or Malcolm’s side is not strange or unusual for her. “The Latour’s and the Wallace’s in a lot of ways are like both of my parent’s families, with lots of sprinkles of imagination. Neither side is directly represented in one family, but they’re all in there.” Again using only her iPhone, Carey crafted this master piece losing lots of sleep because Amber or Malcolm would wake her up to tell her more about their story.
Thus far Carey’s stories have been relatable and entertaining. They have been received well by the public and she looks forward to continuing to entertain you. “I get excited whenever someone reads one of my stories. I wanna know what they think about the characters? Are they entertained? Would they like to continue? So on and so forth. Everyone knows when they tell me they’re reading I ask them where they are, and what has happened so far. I love interacting with my readers and discussing my characters as if they’re real people. One of my biggest debates is the visual reference to what my characters actually look like. I see my character one-way, and my Rough Riders will see them another sometimes. The other debate is, once you’ve finished Volume Two Part 1 & Part 2, are you #TeamMalcolm or are you #TeamDwayne? I love to see this debate play out amongst my readers. I try to stay as neutral as possible, because I have love and affection for the two of them.” Make sure you drop Carey a line and let her know whether you’re #TeamMalcolm or #TeamDwayne, she loves to hear her reader’s answers to this question.
Blog | Website | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Snap Chat @CareyTheWriter | Email careyanderson36@gmail.com
Author Interview
1. What inspired you to become a Multicultural, IR or BWWM Romance writer?
I wanted to capture my family in my first leg of my writing. In my family various members have fallen in love with the person who captured their heart regardless of their background. I love the diversity within my family so I wanted to reflect that in my writings.
2. Besides writing, what are some of your favorite things?
I like to bake (never as good as Tracy but one can dream), I’m in love with natural hair, so I watch You T ubers all of the time looking for tip to hopefully gain my Rapunzel length tresses on my natural hair.
3. Name at least two (2) authors that you admire who write Multicultural, IR or BWWM Romance?
Deborah Brandon and Jessica Caryn
4. What types or genre of books do you enjoy reading? What are you currently reading?
I like to read African American Contemporary books. I like to read whatever captures my interest really. Currently I’m reading “Sometimes Brooklyn, Mostly Mars Volume 2” by Keith Kareem Williams. I’ve been savoring this read as I work on my things.
5. Are you working on anything new? If so, when can we expect it to be released?
I recently completed my first non-Wallace book. Even though this book will not be a BWWM or IR book, I decided to challenge myself to try my hand at writing something totally different. I hope to release this book later this year or early next. I’m not quite sure when it will be released just yet. Also, recently I received the honor to write within an anthology with Deborah Brandon and Cordelia Michelsen. This book will be released next.
6. Do you have any scheduled upcoming events; such as book signings, interviews, etc.?
Yes, the Atlanta in-person chapter will be reviewing At Last in September. I’m excited because this will be my first book review outside of my normal reviewers. Also, I will be at the Bay Area Urban Book festival in October. This will be my first public event. I’m nervous, but excited.
7. Where do you expect to be in your career as an author five (5) years from now?
I hope to have an even longer catalog to share with the world. Hopefully I’ll be writing fulltime, living in Napa overlooking the wine valley as I create more stories in my head.
8. What advice can you give to new authors who’s interested in writing in this genre?
I can’t remember where I read it, but the advice was to keep writing. The more you do it the better you become. Also, read in the between moments, Iron sharpens Iron. Always accept constructive criticism sometimes your humility is what puts you ahead of the game.
Special Message from Carey …
I’m so thankful for this opportunity to share a little about myself. I hope this meeting is only the beginning to a nice and long relationship. I’m still learning as I go along, and I hope you will be able to notice the growth in my scripts with each new book I release. Hopefully I provide you with a nice long escape from your everyday life, with a glimpse into the stories in my head.
Book Catalog
Wallace Family Affairs Volume II
Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough (Book 1)

Amber Wallace is an angry little girl who grows up with a chip on her shoulder, and the constant need to prove herself. Prove that she’s strong enough, prove that she’s black enough, and prove that she’s good enough. When Amber meets Malcolm a dark and mysterious young man, her world is turned upside down. Instead of filling her life with love and security, her relationship with Malcolm does the opposite. When Amber announces her pregnancy at almost fifteen her family life completely changes. Family skeletons are revealed and Amber tries to find clarity in
all of it. She then struggles to grow up quickly, while she holds on to the fantasy of a happy family life with Malcolm who does not want the picture she paints for them.
Available for purchase here.
Love Is Just Enough (Book 2)

This book picks up where Part 1 leaves off. Sometimes Love Isn’t Enough, but shouldn’t it be? Amber loves Malcolm and David. She finds herself caught in the middle of them, and now young Andrew pleads with her to fight for David. Still strapped with her childhood dream of a husband and a family Amber struggles with where to place her heart. Who will Amber choose, and will that choice satisfy her heart? Can she find love beyond both of them? Or will #TeamMalcolm prevail?
*This is the conclusion to the Wallace Family Affairs Volume II.*
Available for purchase here.
Wallace Family Affairs Volume IV
Look Beyond Your Eyes

Look Beyond Your Eyes is a coming of age story about Sasha Wallace, who is a seemingly confident and self-assured young lady. Sasha is used to being appreciated and sought after for her appearance. Whatever Sasha wants, Sasha gets. Except for the love and acceptance of a good man who sees her for who she truly is, and not just a beautiful arm piece. Sasha learns that being a Wallace isn’t enough to provide her with everything she needs to be happy. Each failed relationship takes it’s toll on her and the personal pride she takes in being Sasha “Sassy” Wallace. When Sasha meets a very handsome and intelligent man who isn’t impressed or moved by her physical attributes; Sasha learns how to become comfortable in her own skin while still trying to get her man. Meanwhile Sasha has to learn to understand her father whose unhealthy relationship with her mother continues to affect their relationship. Will Sasha find love? Will she ever be appreciated beyond what the simple eye beholds?
Available for purchase here
Wallace Family Affairs Volume VI
First You Laugh Then You Cry

The girl of many names is mostly known as Nellie. Nellie traumatically goes from Riches to Rags. Her mother instills in her the idea that unless a man has money he has nothing. This one fatal value cost Nellie so much. Like her mother she demands to be the center of attention at all times; thanks to her pretty face normally she is. When she meets D, she is stunned to find that he’s not interested in her; and he would rather the company of her lesser in every way best friend. Nellie is determined to win D’s heart and she stops at nothing to run from the pain of her life and focus her happiness on one day being the girl on D’s arm.
Kendra has a pretty standard childhood, loving mother and father, wonderful siblings. Until one day her father decides that he wants something different and he leaves behind the comforts of his family to find his own happiness. Kendra watches her mother try to keep things together and she decides to do her part to help out her family. Meanwhile she catches the attention of young Darryl who initially seems to be just a silly guy to her. She eventually learns about his big heart, and that he has a certain way that he sees the humor in everything to survive and maintain. What she doesn’t know about, is the competition that her best friend has waged with her for Darryl’s heart.
Available for purchase here.
Wallace Family Affairs Volume VII
At Last

Annette grew up in an unloving environment. Her feisty spirit was her only survival tactic. When her family moves from Kansas to California, Annette meets The Wallace’s. The Wallace’s are ahead of their time. During a time when this country was racially divided the Wallace’s looked for unity. With Irma Wallace at the head of the family, she teaches her children not to look at color. With that lesson her youngest son Tim falls head first in love with Annette. Tim is prepared to take on anyone who may oppose their union. However, he’s never had an Opponent like Rose, Annette’s mother.
Available for purchase here.
Wallace Family Affairs Volume VIII
Just A Friend

Ethan Wallace has always lived in the shadows of his family. He dimmed his light so that his brothers could shine. When Ethan met Jenise he was convinced that she had her own agenda that he didn’t trust her. Determined to reveal her agenda he found that she truly and honestly was only looking for a friend. Through their friendship Ethan comes to terms with a lot of his issues and he learns that it’s ok to let his light shine. Unfortunately letting his light shine also turns on selfishness in him that he isn’t sorry to have.
Jenise Wright grew up in a farming town in California. She’s the first member of her family to go to college. Her hard work and dedication earned her a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious colleges in the country. Jenise’s charms and nurturing nature unknowingly land her right in the middle of the Wallace clan who are also attending the same school. Her loyalty earns her a very close friendship with Ethan the quietest Wallace. Meanwhile Jenise loses herself trying to make all of her friends and family happy.
Available for purchase here.
Book Excerpt ~ Present
This time Sherrell wanted to play a getting to know each other game. “Okay Tracy it’s your turn.” Sherrell said as we all calmed down from the hollering, crying, and gut busting laughter as Darryl relayed the last whoopin he got from his mom. Hearing the way they describe Amber isn’t any way I know her to be. She’s always mild even when she’s irritated so I always listen with intrigue. Especially when they talk about her beating up Toya. I try not to cheese when they share those stories. Sherrell shook the box then she handed the box to Darryl who picked the question and he handed it to Andrew to read. “Tracy, name one thing you wanted as a teenager, but for whatever reason you didn’t get it.” Everybody looked at me.
Joy smiled cause I’m sure she could think of a laundry list of things I complained about when we were younger. “My dad said when I got my license I would have a car. And true to his word I had a car before I had my license. But, he didn’t ask me what kind of car I wanted. I was happy just to have a car period so it didn’t matter, but I wanted a blue Chevy Camaro with the beat in it.”
Darryl laughed, “I knew you were a thug.”
I wiggled my neck, “I’m from Richmond.”
“The car you have now has a nice system in it.” Joy said.
I looked at Andrew, “yes. My baby always gives me the best.”
Sherrell shook up her box of questions, “Malcolm you’re next.” Everyone oohed.
Malcolm’s expression was unamused, “I’m not playing.” Then he returned his attention to Chanel.
“Aw! Come on Malcolm, this is just like cards. Cards with feelings.” Yussef said.
“Yeah Malcolm.” Everyone else chimed in.
“Fine!” He didn’t look happy about it. He sat Chanel up in his lap with her back to him. She frowned at everybody just like Malcolm.
Sherrell handed the box to Chantel to pull a question. Chantel pulled and handed it to Amber. Amber opened the question and smiled. “Good question.” She prepared to read the question out loud. Everyone leaned in, “if you could be any celebrity, who would you be?”
“Me!” He shot back quickly.
“You’re a celebrity?” Amber said scoffing at his answer.
“All ya’ll need to recognize who I am! What makes a celebrity a celebrity?”
“Hold on! I think we need the white board for this. Who’s willing to be our Vanna Black?” Darryl asked
Chantel volunteered and went to the board. She wrote, “Celebrity Details” at the top. “Number One, people look up to you. Do people look up to me?” Everyone shook their heads yes, “thank
One, people look up to you. Do people look up to me?” Everyone shook their heads yes, “thank you. Chantel put a check next to that. Moving on, Number Two. Money! I got that.” Everyone agreed, “thank you. Put a check next to that one. Number Three, people want to be me.”
“That’s only D-Rick!” Darryl blurted out.
Everyone started laughing, “shut up! No I don’t!” Derrick was not laughing.
“If you can think of at least one person who wishes they were me point proven, put my check and let’s move on.” It seemed like everyone knew at least one person so no one disputed it. “Number Four, I have the woman that everyone wishes they had. So that makes me the ultimate man!” Amber blushed, while all of us girls said aw! “Number Five, everybody knows who I am, and I don’t have to explain who I am. Check mark and I’m done.”
“But you’re not on TV.” Anthony said.
“The question was about a celebrity there was no television requirement stated, so I stand by my answer. Next person.” Then Chanel started laughing. That actually made him smile.
We moved on with our game.
Book Giveaway
Enter to win one of four eBook copies of At Last. All you have to do is visit and like Carey Anderson’s Facebook page. The first four people to comment ‘Pick Me’ on the post that has the At Last book cover & that mentions this giveaway will win. Remember you must like the page & comment on the correct post to win. Good Luck!!!
Did you miss the previous posts of the other featured IR, BWWM or Multicultural authors of this awesome event? If so, check them out below.
Day 1 – Shantee A Parks
Day 2 – Theresa Hodge
Day 3 – Blue Saffire
Day 4 – Seven Steps
Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow to see the next featured author. Also, make sure you follow my blog as well as the host of this event.
