Happy Friday everyone!
This year, I will be participating in the annual Smashwords Summer Sale, which kicks off today! The sale will last throughout the month of July and will feature books that are either free or discounted. I have enrolled six books into the sale, so for anyone who have not read any of my books or might want to purchase them for the first time, you can do so through this wonderful sale. Not only that, but you can check out other authors during this event.
The books that will be in the sale include:
Something Just Ain’t Right part 1: Free
Something Just Ain’t Right part 2: Discounted to $2.24
Reclaiming What Is Mine: Free
Our Love: Free
The Evolution of Love : Free
In Love With My Best Friend: Free
To get these deals, please click on the profile link below:
The sale ends on July 31st.
Until next time everyone! 🙂