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Sample Sunday: Our Love



Hi everyone! Here is another excerpt from Our Love, which will be re-released soon! This is from Michael’s POV.

Being around Charlie was so relaxing. I loved just hearing her talk, seeing her smile, and looking into her mesmerizing eyes. When I called to ask if she wanted to see me, I didn’t know if she would agree, but to my surprise, she did.  As I watched her climb down the ladder, it seemed like she knew the routine all too well. I wondered if she had done the sneaking out thing with her other boyfriends.

It was way after-hours, but I knew a secluded spot we could go to so we wouldn’t get caught. White Park was the place for couples to come to be alone, make out, and do other things.  Tonight, all I wanted to do was be around Charlie and get to know her better.  When we arrived, I pulled my car into a secluded area behind some trees, put the car in park, and turned the engine off. I changed the radio station and kept it on so we could hear some music. I got out of the car and went out into the mid-October night, taking in the cool breeze of fall.  I went around to the passenger’s side, opened the door, and took Charlie’s hand as she got out of the car. She closed the door, and we went over to look at the beautiful lake in front of us. The sky was kind of dark, but we noticed a few stars trying to peek out under the dim night sky. I looked at Charlie and noticed she was shivering.

“Are you cold?” I asked her.

“A little,”

I smiled and took off my jacket. I draped it over her shoulders, and she smiled.

“This is so beautiful. How did you find this place? I’ve been in Houston all my life and never knew about this.”

“I always came here growing up. Usually, this is the place couples come to be alone, but  this is my thinking place. I always come here before a big game, or if I’m thinking about something.”

“You’ve never brought Danielle here?”

“No. You’re the only person.”

Charlie grinned as she looked at the sky.

“What are you thinking about right now?”

“You. Wondering how I got so lucky to be with a beautiful girl right now.”

“Stop it. You’re making me blush,” Charlie said, looking down  at the ground.

“Well, it’s true. You are so beautiful.”

She looked at me, then moved closer.  We stared at each other, and I heard 104.1 KRBE was playing Rebecca Ferguson’s “Nothing’s Real but Love.” I took Charlie’s hand and looked into her brown eyes.

“You like to dance?”

She smiled and came in closer to me. It felt good to hold Charlie in my arms; it seemed like we made a perfect match. As she moved closer, I could smell the peach scent on her skin. We looked at each other with an expression that meant we really liked each other. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t know if it was too soon.

After staring at each other a little longer, I noticed something was dripping on my shoulder. I looked up and saw that it had started to rain. Even though it was, neither Charlie or I cared; we just kept dancing to the music. And then it happened. I figured now was the perfect opportunity to kiss Charlie. So I did. I licked my lips a little,  put my hand in her hair,  and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. The kiss was everything I expected it to be. Charlie was a little surprised by it, but she quickly gave in and grabbed the back of my neck. We were standing in the pouring rain, kissing each other like it was going to be our last one. Even though we’d  probably be sick in the morning, we didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that things had changed between us. And it felt pretty good.

When we finally pulled ourselves from each other, we got back in my car so I could take Charlie home. It was 12:30, so I knew I had to get back home since I had an early football meeting in the morning. The team planned to go over some plays for the big game. While I was driving, Charlie looked over at me, took my free hand and put it in hers. I gave her a hearty smile as I turned onto her street. When I parked my car on the curb, I quickly turned off the  lights and radio. I suddenly became shy as I gazed at  her. Even though our relationship had changed, it still felt like we were  just friends. I guess because we’d only known each other for two days now.

Charlie  must have been thinking the same thing, because she looked at me with a perplexed  expression on her pretty face. “What does this mean?”

“I don’t know, but whatever it is, I like it.”

Charlie smiled and kissed the back of my hand. I was suddenly turned on by her lips being on my hand. I wanted to kiss her again, but I knew it was late and we both had busy mornings ahead of us.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said.

“Definitely,” Charlie  agreed.

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