Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous day.
I mentioned on my last post that I was going to explain where I have been, but I didn’t get a chance to, until now. I don’t even know where to start, so I guess I’ll start from the beginning.
Last year was a really rough year for me. There were a lot of incidents that has occurred personally that affected my writing career, including going to personal appearances and even relationship with other authors. Between working a day job and the other personal issues I was dealing with, I couldn’t focus on writing anything. In other words, my heart wasn’t in it anymore. That led me to stop writing completely.
With everything that has happened, I know I had put a strain on several working relationships with other authors, a book club in particular, and editors. For that, I’m sorry. During the time, I was going through a lot of personal issues. Those personal issues led me to make irresponsible decisions that almost cost me more than my career. During that time, I lost my way, and it has led me into a depressed state. I really thought I wouldn’t find a way to cope with the issues I was dealing with, but by the grace of God, I was able to pull though.
After realizing what I have been doing, I knew I had to change my ways. I couldn’t continue to go down a path that I knew wasn’t right for me or for my family. I had to stop living a stressful life, and just actually live. That’s something I have not been doing in the last two years. It doesn’t have anything to do with writing; it was just everything else in my life that was taking a toll on myself and the thing that I love to do the most.
For me, writing started off as a hobby; now, I turned it into a career. To this day, that is one of the things that I’m still proud of. That is something that I don’t want to take away from me; that is why I feel that I had to address why I have been away and haven’t been publishing any books or even been on social media. It was because I had to take a step back and re-evaluate myself as a person. In other words, I had to get my shit together. I’m still a work in progress, but that’s okay. I still have time to rebuild and to prosper into the person that I need to be.
While I continue to rebuild, I do want to apologize to everyone that I may have had issues with within the past year. I’m sorry if I haven’t communicated my issues with anyone and just kept things in the dark. Some people may have felt I was unprofessional; for that, I apologize. I apologize for a lot of things that have occurred, and if I could change things, I would in a heartbeat. I may have lost a few readers or even a few professional relationships, but all I can do is right my wrongs and move forward.
I debated on whether I was going to address this on my blog or social media. There were times when I put it off or started to write and delete, but I felt I had to. I felt I had to explain my reasons for what I have been dealing with. I felt for my readers, I had to address the issue. I don’t know if anyone even realize what was going on with me; but if anyone was concerned, then there is your explanation. I really hope as I slowly try to get back into writing that I have the continued support of my readers. If not, then I completely understand; but if I do, then I really do appreciate it. I appreciate you all for being a part of my journey and I really hope that you all continue with me on my path to being a successful author.
As always, I thank each and every one of you for being there for me throughout the four years I have been writing. That is something that will never change.
But check back here tomorrow as I make another post on the future of my writing career.