Hi everyone! And Happy Valentine’s Day! Say That You Love Me will be released on February 23rd, so that means it’s time for me to share an excerpt with you all! I’m so excited for the release of the second book in The Love Chronicles series, as Andie and Dexter move on to college as they deal with even bigger challenges in their personal lives and in their relationship.
The unedited excerpt follow the two as they prepare for their first day at Smith University. This is from Andie’s POV. Enjoy! 🙂
College. The epitome of what some people say as the beginning of your adulthood. This is the time when the decision-making is all your own and you have a bit of freedom.
So they say.
For me, college is a bit of that, but also knowing what you can handle. I think I can handle it all. I was able to study and engage in activities in high school, so college shouldn’t be any different, right? Well, that was before Dexter.
Even though the two of us started our relationship a few months back, things over the summer changed between us, and now, we’re inseparable. I don’t think we have been apart from each other for even a second. We went out together, worked together at the neighborhood community center, and even volunteered together. If we had our way, we probably would had went to sleep together. I’m sure our parents would have had a fit if that happened. Now that we’re in college, I’m sure that will change.
I pulled into the student parking lot of the Richardson dorms at Smith University. I looked around, taking in the entire campus as a huge smile spread across my lips. I have to admit, Smith is a beautiful campus. It may not be my dream college, Yale, but it’s close to it. Besides, it has the most impressive communication department in Texas, so that’ll be a plus for me.
“Will you stop daydreaming and get out of the car? I’m ready to see our room.”
I looked over at my friend, Mashawn Peterson, as she gave a huge smile. The two of us has been tight since middle school. I still don’t see how we became friends since we’re so different, but as the saying goes, opposites does attract. Despite our differences, we have always been there for each other.
“I’m getting out in a second. I’m waiting on Dexter.”
Mashawn rolled her eyes. “Damn, you two can’t do anything without the other. I wonder do you two go to the bathroom together.”
“That’s just crossing the line.”
“I have to wonder.”
“Why you just didn’t drive down here. You do have a car.”
“Because it’s in the shop again. My parents going to bring it down later.”
I nodded, wondering how that will go. The three hasn’t had the best relationship before the summer, but things has become really rocky since they caught her and her boyfriend, Andrew Pierce doing a lot more than making out on the couch. Personally, Dex and I wouldn’t had done that in the living room, but that’s just me. Actually, Dex and I haven’t even gotten to that point yet, so that’s not a concern with us. For now.
“You’re not going to need reinforcement, are you?”
“Everything will be fine. Andrew just can’t come to the house anymore while they’re out. Doesn’t matter because I won’t be going there for break.”
“Where will you be staying?”
“I was hoping with you.”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “We’ll see.”
I noticed Dexter’s car pulling up beside mine which made me smile. As soon as he got out, my heart started to skip a beat. I never thought I would say this, but I’m deeply, madly in love with him. I love everything about him, which can be good, but also a curse. In the summer, we didn’t have too much to worry about, but now that classes will start soon, I hope it doesn’t affect our education. I know Dexter wouldn’t let it, but I’m a little worried that I will.
“I’m surprised your parents aren’t here yet. I’m sure they don’t want you to go. They might think you’ll go buck wild here.”
“You know that won’t happen, Mashawn.”
“Please; you have your boyfriend here, which I might add, is looking delicious in that blue shirt. Do you really think you two will still be able to control yourselves here? I don’t think so.”
I glanced over at his car as he gave me a bright smile. He came over to mine and tapped on the window.
Mashawn gave me an unconvinced look and I hit her arm.
“Resulting to violence now?”
“Shut up.”
He stood back as I got out of the car. He gently grabbed me and gave me a heated kiss. I slowly melted against him, enjoying the moment with him, but I always do every time.
“I missed you.” he whispered in my ear.
“We just saw each other at your house.”
“An hour is too long without seeing you.”
I blushed and smiled.
“God, you two are sickening.” Mashawn teased.
“Don’t you have a boyfriend you can go bother?” Dexter asked.
“Do you see him here?”
“That’s still your cue to leave.” Dexter said while giving a smirk.
“Not until my roommate and I check out our room. We should make our entrance together, so you two can carry on.”
I smiled. “She’s not leaving, Dex.”
“Fine, we’ll just give her more to be sick over.” He said and kissed me again. We were still going at it when we heard several people clearing their throats. I didn’t have to look behind me to know who they were.
“Look at you two giving people a show.” Dexter sister, Regina said while laughing.
I looked at her parents and mine as they were giving Dexter and me funny looks. Mashawn giggled as I gave an embarrassed look.
“Leave them alone. They’re in love, so it’s natural.” Dexter’s mom, Tia, said and smiled.
My mom came over and gave me a hug. “I still can’t believe you’re in college. I’m going to miss you so much.”
“It’s just an hour away, Mom.”
“I know, but this is your first time being alone without any supervision. Anything can happen.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Williams; with Dex and me here, she’ll be in good hands.” Mashawn said and smiled.
“That’s not reassuring.”
“What are you trying to say?” Tia asked.
“Nothing against you, Dex, but I just don’t want anything happening to my baby.”
“Mom, I’m not a child. I can take care of myself.”
“They think you two are going to have sex.” Mashawn whispered.
My dad stared at Mashawn and continued talking. “We just don’t want anything to come in between your studies.”
“And they won’t, Uncle Trevor. We both assure you and Aunt Camille that our education is our top priority.” Dexter said.
“Absolutely.” I agreed.
“Why are you two concerned? You know these two have good heads on their shoulders. Nothing will happen.” Dexter’s dad, Charles, responded.
“We all have been to college, so we know what happens.”
“That doesn’t mean these two will fall into that trap.”
“You never know. I’ve seen a lot of stuff happening at my art school. No supervision and access to anything you need can cause trouble.” Regina added.
“You’re not helping the situation.” Dexter said.
“And that’s why you’re no longer there.” Her dad added.
“Mom, Dad, I know you’re both concerned, but we talked about this; I’ll be fine.”
“I guess you’re right. Besides, we can always visit.” My mom said.
I sighed, knowing they probably just might.
“We won’t let that happen. You two just enjoy your time in college. We all were young once, so enjoy it.” Tia said.
“Thank you, Aunt Tia.”
“And if you two do try, we’ll take your keys away.”
“That’s fine; we’ll just take yours. We know all of your hiding places.” My mom said.
Tia smirked as everyone grabbed items from the trunk of my car. I looked around again, still in awe over the campus.
While Mashawn was looking at the room checklist for the room number, Dexter gave me the once-over, which made me blush again.
“Your parents does have a point.”
I stared at him, wondering what he meant. “What part?”
“We will be spending a lot of time together, and we won’t have to sneak around, climbing into each other’s bedrooms.”
I stared at him, becoming nervous to what he was saying. Is he thinking about us going to the next level? We’d talked about it a lot over the summer, but we both agreed we will when the time was right. I have been thinking about it a lot, though, but I just didn’t want to jump into it and regret it later.
“I didn’t mean to make you nervous.”
“It’s not that, Dexter.”
“Then what is it?”
“What are you two talking about?” My dad asked while staring at us. I didn’t realize we had stopped walking and was in the middle of the hallway.
“Nothing, Uncle Trevor. Let’s go check out your room, Andie.”
I nodded, knowing there will be another time when this conversation will come up.
My dad turned to stare at a guy who had his shower gear with him as he was heading to the bathroom. He stared at me with a disappointed glance.
This is a co-ed dorm?!”
I sighed. I didn’t tell my parents because I knew they wouldn’t approve. Mashawn and I planned to move to the Watson, the dorm we spent the weekend in during our campus visit, but Housing made an error, giving our room to someone else; therefore, we had to opt for Richardson, which is in fact, co-ed.
Of course Mashawn didn’t have a problem with it.
“Dad, stop.”
“Why you didn’t tell us it’s co-ed?”
“Because you wouldn’t have let me stayed on campus. Housing made an error, so they found us a room here.”
“You don’t have an issue with this?” Charles asked Dexter.
“I trust my girl. Besides, I’ll be here all of the time, so it’s fine.”
“That makes me feel so much better.” My dad sarcastically replied.
“Enough! Trevor, Andie is right; we need to trust her. She’s been wise beyond her years, so we don’t have to wonder about her. She’ll be okay.” My mom said.
“It’s not Andie I’m concerned about; it’s everyone around her that has me on edge.” He said while staring at Dexter.
“Even me?” Mashawn asked.
“Especially you.”
“Okay, stop! Let’s just check out our room.” I said, quickly becoming annoyed with this conversation.
I grabbed my key, which we picked up from Housing a couple of days ago, and put it into the lock. Mashawn and I wanted to check it out when we received our keys, but the office mentioned they had to clean it before letting us see it.
I slowly opened the door, smiling at how huge the room was. Instead of being one room, it was actually a suite with our rooms connected by the common room.
Mashawn quickly put down her bags and went to the kitchenette near the window. “Wow, this is like a mini apartment! This is really cool!”
“This is where our money went?” my dad asked while looking around. “We definitely didn’t have this in college.”
“Times have definitely changed.” Charles pointed out.
“Is this how yours and Andrew’s room set-up?” Tia asked Dexter.
“Ours a regular room. You two definitely lucked out.”
“That we did. Hallelujah!” Mashawn exclaimed.
We continued to look around when Andrew walked in. “Wow, you girls definitely lucked out. I guess I’ll be here all the time, then.” He said while going to Mashawn. She gave him a kiss before he stared at everyone.
“Thanks for giving me the room number.”
“Of course. Glad you were able to find it.”
My dad sighed and asked which room was mines. I looked at Mashawn who shrugged. “Take whichever.”
“On the right.”
He grabbed my things and went in.
“Don’t worry about him; he’ll be okay.” My mom said.
“You’re worried too.”
“Not as much as him.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I know, baby; but as I mentioned before about having sex; get on birth control. And use a condom. Always.”
“We don’t have to have this talk.”
“We need to. You’re 18, but you’re still my baby.”
I nodded as she gave me a hug.
As everyone was putting items into the common room and our bedrooms, the suite started to look like home. Once everything was situated, Dexter, Andrew, along with Dex’s parents and Regina, went to go to their dorm room, leaving me, Mashawn, and my parents in the suite.
“Did you two need anything while we’re still here?” my mom asked Mashawn and me.
“No, we’re fine, but thank you all for helping us.”
“Of course, sweetie.” My mom replied.
“But if there is anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” My dad said.
“I know. I love you both.” I said as I gave them both a hug.
“Love you too, sweetie.”
“Call me when you get back home, okay.”
“We will.”
I looked at them as my mom gave me another hug. “Remember what I said, okay.”
“I know, I know.”
The two went to the door as Mashawn opened it. They didn’t want to leave as she gently pushed them to the hallway.
“Thanks again. Bye bye.” She said and closed the door.
“What? Those two need to loosen up. You’re an adult, which means you can make your own choices. They can’t and shouldn’t baby you any longer.”
“You know they’re not going to like you after that.”
She shrugged. “Once I give them the old Mashawn charm, they’ll like me again.”
I shook my head. She was right about that.
“But seriously, I have to agree with your parents on one thing: Now that you and Dex have a bit more freedom, you do know he’s going to want to take things a bit further.”
“What is it with everyone about sex? If we wanted to do it, we would had already.”
“That’s true, but now you two don’t have to sneak around to do it. You both have a lot more access to do what you want. Trust me, it’s going to happen.”
I looked at her as she grabbed her bag and went into her room. I looked at the heart necklace that he bought me for my birthday. I sighed, realizing she could be right, but was I ready to take that step?