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Excerpt- Believe In Love


Hey everyone!! The latest Love, Life, & Happiness spin-off, Believe In Love, is coming next week! Can’t wait to read an excerpt from the book? Well, you all are in luck! Here is an excerpt of the first chapter of the story from Cheryl’s POV (this excerpt does contain explicit language).

Enjoy! 🙂

Growing up, I always remembered my grandmother saying, “Your life is what you make of it.” At first, I always wondered what she meant by that, but as I got older, I knew the concept behind the phrase. Especially now as I’m adjusting to everything that’s happening to me.

A few years ago, I never imagined my life to be where it is today. Honestly, I didn’t think I would see another day with how my life was heading. From being abused both mentally and physically, I was able to know my worth and overcame all the negativity that I was facing. Now, I’m married to a wonderful man, have two beautiful children, and is fulfilling my dream in becoming a surgeon. I never thought it would be possible, but by the grace of God, I was able to see my dreams come true.

But is my life as perfect as I imagined it to be? Not by a long shot. With goals, they also come with obstacles that could discourage you from fulfilling them. I have endured several tests in my life to get to where I’m at. I thought they were over, but of course they never are.

I slowly rose out of bed to see the sunlight shining through my bedroom window. I looked over to see the bathroom light on and heard the water from the shower turning off, realizing that my husband, Marcus, was at home. I gave a tiny smile, glad that he was.

Since he resigned from his accounting job and decided to become a full-time club owner, I barely see him at home. The clubs that he co-owns with his brother Shawn, and cousin-in-law Jayden, is doing so well that they decided to open two new clubs in Atlanta. One is a 2,000 square foot club, which they opened almost five months ago, and their recent venture is a coffee house, which is something Marcus and Shawn always wanted to open. Between him going back and forth to Atlanta, and being in Baker and Houston, I’m starting to wonder if he’ll be at home for more than two days. I hope so, because I really miss him being at home when I do see him because my schedule isn’t any better. With my residency, I’m barely at home myself, so it seems as if we’re more roommates than husband and wife since we’re always missing each other.

The door opened, and Marcus walked out wearing only a towel. My heart started racing as I glanced at his hard, mocha chest. I slowly bit my lip, wishing I had time to rip that towel off of him and ride him senseless. But I only had an hour until I was going back to the hospital. Damn it!

He looked over at me and gave a sexy smile, which made me rethink my schedule. I could be late a minute or two. Or more.

I gave a wide grin as Marcus came over to me. “What’s with the wide grin?”

“I’m just happy to see my husband this morning.”

“Really, it is nice to see you in the morning, since you’re normally at the hospital.”

He leaned over, and his lips connected with mines. He gave a slight tug, and my pussy throbbed. Yeah, I’m going to be late.

“Did Kevin bring the kids back?” I whispered as I quickly tugged on his towel. It fell to the floor, exposing all of Marcus’ goodness. Damn, I missed him.

“Not yet, but he’s on his way.” Marcus whispered. His lips went to my neck, giving me gentle kisses down my collarbone. Since the two of us are always gone, my siblings, Kevin and Elise have been helping with taking care of Troian and Preston. Although I hate not being able to see them on a regular basis, hopefully all of my hard work will pay off so they could have a better life. I felt guilty before I started the program, but I really have been feeling it more recently, because I don’t want to make the same mistakes as my mother, Jackie did, when I was growing up. She was barely there for me, so I don’t want that to rub off on my kids, especially when they get older, because that will always be installed in them. Trust me, I know.

Even though I was on-call, I decided to come home to see if Kevin would had brought the kids back, but I guess I ended up falling asleep.

“Hopefully, I’ll see them before I leave again.” I said as I pulled Marcus to me. He pulled up my sleep-shirt as his fingers played with my clit. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel as I laid down on the bed.

“He was going to bring them back last night, but I told him not to since you were asleep.”

I looked into Marcus’ gray eyes and sighed. “I really do hate this. I don’t want my kids to think we’re neglecting them.”

Marcus slowly sighed. “I know. That’s why I need to cut back on going to the clubs. One of us needs to be here.”

“But you still need to get the coffee house together.”

“I know, but I’m a parent first. The Phoenix in both Baker and Houston are running themselves and the Atlanta club is quickly thriving. I need to be at home more.”

“I should too.”

“And you will once your residency is over. We both agreed that you’ll get through it and I’ll take care of home.”


“Baby, I know it’s hard, but it’ll be worth it once it’s over.”

“Even if my kids barely see me?”

Marcus swept some hair away from my face and sighed. “What if they get older and realize that we weren’t at home when they were growing up? That could make them hate us. I can’t have them go through what I went through growing up.”

“And they won’t. Baby, you are a good mother, so don’t ever forget that.”

“How am I when I only see them for a few hours a week?”

Marcus gave me a kiss on the forehead and I sighed. “You’re not Jackie, Cher. Don’t ever compare yourself to her, okay.”

Although Marcus was saying the right things, it wasn’t making me feel any better.

“Not in the mood now, huh?” he asked.

I shook my head and he gave me a hug. “It’s okay. Besides, I have to make a call to Nisha to find out if the liquor shipment came in,” he said. He cupped my chin and gave me a slow, yet sexy kiss. He caressed my clit, teasing me while kissing the tip of my earlobe.

“If only we didn’t have a busy day today, I would have you cumming in every position possible.”

Fuck it.

I pulled him down on me and spread my legs to invite him in. I grabbed onto him, feeling his hardness as I stroked him. I haven’t had sex with my husband in almost two weeks, so this was long overdue.

He slowly found his way in me while giving me gentle kisses to my neck and chest.

“Two weeks is too damn long, baby,” he whispered.

My heart was still racing as we slowly found our groove together. My nails clawed his back as I titled my head. This felt too damn good, that’s why I knew this wasn’t going to last. My thoughts became true when my pager started beeping on the nightstand. I closed my eyes, wishing I could throw that piece of metal out the window.

“Ignore it, please.” Marcus whispered.

I wanted to, but I knew it was important. “I can’t baby.”

“Fuck,” Marcus sighed.

He held me as the pager continued to go off. The doorbell began ringing as well as we knew it was Kevin and the kids.

“I guess it wasn’t happening anyway,” he said.

I gave a tiny smile as Marcus gave me another kiss on my forehead. He quickly got up and found some clothes that were on the armchair. I had to quickly get ready so I could make my way to the hospital, but I had to see my kids before I go. Even if it was for a quick second, at least they were going to see me.

If you haven’t pre-ordered your copy yet, you still can. The link is below:

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