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Check Out My Book + Main Page!

Hello everyone! I really hope everyone is doing well during this difficult time. As for me, I’m at home, so I’ve been doing a lot of things to keep myself busy, including creating a page on Book + Main! With Book + Main, you can read “bites”, which are excerpts from various authors’ books. Whether they’re excerpts from previous works or exclusives, you can access them on the Book + Main site.

I just started about a week ago, so I have added a few bites to my page, but since I have a huge catalog, I will be adding more each day. But if you are on the site, check it out and give it a try. There might be a few authors that are new to you, or there might be some of your faves on there.

And of course, here is my page if you would like to read a few excerpts from Reclaiming What Is Mine, Resisting Temptation, and In Love With My Best Friend. Book+Main- Sheena Binkley

I will be adding an exclusive bite from my new book, The Right Kind Of Love, before the April 24th release, so make sure to like my page because you will only be able to access it on Book + Main. 🙂

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