Hi everyone! Today is the final day of the 31 Days, 31 Authors event, but I must say, you are in for a special treat. Today’s featured author is no other than Delaney Diamond. The very first book I’d read from Ms. Diamond was The Blind Date, and I was hooked every since. She’s definitely one of those authors that you anticipate a new release from because you know you it will be a great read.
Now, here’s Delaney! 🙂
Delaney Diamond is the USA Today Bestselling Author of sweet, sensual, passionate romance novels. Born and raised in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Atlanta, Georgia is now her home. She reads romance novels, mysteries, thrillers, and a fair amount of nonfiction. When she’s not busy reading or writing, she’s in the kitchen trying out new recipes, dining at one of her favorite restaurants, or traveling to an interesting locale. To get sneak peeks, notices of sale prices, and find out about new releases, visit her website and join her mailing list. Enjoy free reads and the first chapter of all her novels on her website.
Join her mailing list: http://eepurl.com/UXtrf
1. Besides writing, what else do you like to do?
Cook. It’s relaxing, and since I’m a foodie, that works out perfectly. In my novels, you’ll find I often describe what my characters are eating in vivid detail, Lol.
I also love to travel, although I haven’t done much traveling lately. I hope to rectify that next year with a few trips. One of the great things about traveling is that I get story ideas and can incorporate the places I visit into my novels. For instance, I spent some time in Costa del Sol, Spain a couple of years ago, and I made it the honeymoon spot for Daniella and Cyrus, the main couple in Perfect, book 2 of the Johnson Family series. I visited San Diego for the first time this past summer, and it will be the setting for a novel I plan to release next year.
2. What inspired you to become an author?
In high school I won a few short story contests, but I never considered being an author a viable profession until I left a stressful job 6 years ago. Best decision I ever made. Since I’d always received compliments for my nonfiction writing, I decided to see if that skillset could translate into fiction writing. I absolutely love fiction writing! It’s a creative outlet I never knew I needed, and I have so many story ideas, I’ll be writing for years to come.
3. What was your first reaction when your debut novel was published?
I was nervous. I still get a little nervous every time I release a novel, but not like I used to. I’m more confident since that debut, and I’ve learned a lot about the craft of writing and storytelling.
4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Still writing, hopefully, with another series completed. I’d like to venture into romantic suspense, so that series should be underway by then. More than anything, I hope I’m still able to do what I love—travel and write. For me, writing for a living and having the flexibility to travel is living the dream.
5. What advice can you give to anyone who wants to become an author?
Just do it. Learn all you can about writing and the publishing industry. Learn how to write prose that’s grammatically correct and as error-free as possible. Get a critique partner–not someone who’s related to you–or join a critique group to help you catch plot inconsistencies and mistakes (We all know it’s nearly impossible to edit yourself.).
If you want to be published by a traditional publisher, send out proposals. If you want to selfpublish, put together a professional product—edited and good cover. Just as important, don’t give up. Perseverance is key.
Unforgettable, Book 1 of the Johnson Family series
FREE for a limited time
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Delaney_Diamond_Unforgettable?id=9EqqBAAAQBAJ&PAffiliateID=1011lwN2
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-unforgettable-1486982-149.html?referrer=d10b5c363b80fb7d49d00a4789d9f1f5
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/431974
Good Behavior (new release), Book 5 of the Johnson Family series
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Delaney_Diamond_Good_Behavior?id=pvGKDQAAQBAJ&PAffiliateID=1011lwN2
All Romance Ebooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-goodbehavior-2176191-178.html?referrer=d10b5c363b80fb7d49d00a4789d9f1f5
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/686006
Excerpt from GOOD BEHAVIOR, book 5 of the Johnson Family series
Diana glanced at her watch, a Cartier timepiece Trenton had given her to celebrate her three-year anniversary with the firm. “I better get going soon.”
“Of course.” Xavier didn’t know if she really needed to leave or if she simply wanted to avoid the conversation about her personal life, but he wolfed down the rest of the burger and they both tossed their containers into the trash.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets as they walked slowly back to his SUV. He’d enjoyed the food and company and was reluctant for the evening to end. Strange how a simple evening out with someone he barely knew could bring such satisfaction.
After he’d started the car, he turned to look at her in the passenger seat. “Thank you for joining me for dinner.”
“Thank you for paying. The meal was just what I’d been hoping for. Something completely bad for me. Tomorrow I’ll go back to eating nuts and berries.” She laughed sarcastically, smoothing her hands over her ample thighs.
The movement caught Xavier’s eye, and his fingers tightened on the leather wheel. He wondered if her legs were as soft as they looked.
Shifting his attention to the rearview mirror, he said, “I don’t think you need to worry about that.”
“I need to be good and stop being so bad.” She crossed one smooth thigh over the other and his eyes dipped once again to the expanse of exposed brown skin.
“Nothing wrong with doing things that are bad for you every now and again. Keeps life interesting.” He cleared his throat and eased backward, but hit the brakes when a pedestrian crossed in his path.
“Are you saying you do bad things?” Her voice was softer, teasing.
In the darkness of the vehicle, her large doe eyes stared back at him. The question was suggestive at best, inappropriate at worse. What was she really asking him?
His eyes zeroed in on the pulse beating at the base of her throat, and his own pulse thudded a little faster. “I always try to be on my best behavior.”
Always. All his life. He only slept with one woman at a time, and he wasn’t a cynical shark like the eldest, Cyrus—who’d been groomed to be more like their father than any of them.
“I don’t always succeed,” he finished quietly.
Diana licked her lips, and tension mounted in the interior of the vehicle. “I can understand that,” she said, swallowing. “It’s a lot harder than people think. Being good, I mean.”
He kept his gaze on her. “Definitely. Especially when temptation is staring you right in the face. It can be hard as hell.”
There was a minute reaction—a spark in the depths of her eyes, before she retreated with a vigorous nod and focused on her hands. “Very,” she muttered, letting out a quiet breath that sounded shaky.
Xavier gripped the steering wheel at that soft, feminine sound and fought the sudden urge to drag her across the console and kiss her hard and thoroughly. This was why he’d kept his distance all these months, and he should have never spent this time alone with her. He didn’t only find Diana intriguing; he was undeniably attracted to her. That attraction threatened everything he knew about himself.
“The good one” was what friends, family, and the media had called Xavier for years. The one who’d forsaken his family’s wealth to fight injustice around the world. The one who—except for an angry confrontation in Senegal years ago, which landed him in jail with plenty of regret and time to reflect—had always exemplified good behavior.
Spending time with Diana made him want to forget his good behavior. And show her just how bad he could be.
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