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30 Days, 30 Authors- Sheena Binkley

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Hi everyone! How is everyone enjoying the event so far? For me, I couldn’t host the event without getting in on the fun too, lol. Although a lot of you know me since this is my blog, there are quite a few readers who still doesn’t know who I am, so with that being said, let me introduce myself and some of the books that I have written. 🙂

author bio

Sheena Binkley first discovered her love for storytelling when writing her first story for a class project at the tender age of nine. Since then, she has composed several short stories and numerous tales that are not only engaging, but simply entertaining. She is also a freelance writer, penning articles on various topics including education and entertainment. Besides writing, she loves reading, shopping, and spending time with family and friends. She lives in Houston (where the weather is always unpredictable) with her husband and son.


author interview

1. Besides writing, what else do you like to do?

Besides writing, I love to hang out with my family and friends, listen to music (old school mainly), and just relax. That’s something I haven’t been doing lately, so when I have a chance to do it, I take advantage of it, lol.

2. What inspired you to become an author?

It all started when I was nine and I had to do a story for a class project. I loved writing it so much that I decided to continue to write short stories and eventually a series titled Homeroom, which is based on a group of friends as they go through the ins and outs of high school. I love to write, so it wasn’t hard to pursue something that I hope I can turn into a full-fledged career.

3. What was your first reaction when your debut novel was published?

I cried, mainly because I was seeing my dream come true. Not only that, but the one person that supported me with my writing, which was my mom, was not here to share in the celebration. I know she was looking down on me in heaven, proud that I stepped out in faith and released my first book. That alone was the most important factor to me.

4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Besides still writing (praying that I am), I hope to be a New York Times best-seller. I’m an Amazon best-seller, but to me, you made it to the big times if you’re either on the New York Times or USA Today’s best-seller’s list. I also would love to own my own bookstore and sell only independently owned books. I think authors should support each other, especially independent authors; therefore, this would be a wonderful way in doing that. Another dream of mine is to own my own publishing company. I want to be able to give authors a voice and to choose what type of stories they want to write. I know with a lot of hard work, it will happen soon. I can feel it.

5. What advice can you give to anyone who wants to become an author?

For me, I would say to never give up on your dreams. There will be doubters and haters who don’t want you to succeed, but do not listen to them. Being able to write and release a book is a blessing, so you should go out and pursue it. Don’t hide it because you will never know your potential if you do. Also, make sure you make the right decisions with publishing your books. If you want to be independent, then be independent; if you want to go to a publisher, make sure it’s one that fits you and your writing style. Don’t go somewhere because they’re popular or have a lot of readers supporting them. Go to one that you are comfortable with and know that you will shine with.

books and links

I have too many books to provide links for, lol, so here is a collage of all of my books. The link to my Amazon author page is also below:


From Something Just Ain’t Right

  1. Morgan

October, 2014

“Are you seriously going to do this right now?”

“Do what? I told you before we came in here what my intentions were. You agreed to them, so I thought everything was straight.”

The girl, Chelsea, Cecilia, whatever her name was, gave me an impatient glance before pulling down her skirt. I didn’t know what her deal was, but I told her point blank what I wanted right now, and striking up a conversation wasn’t one of them. I glanced at Carrie–that’s her name – taking in her medium-length honey blonde hair, smooth auburn-colored skin, and knockout body that I wanted pressed up against me, but I guess she had other ideas. When I told her I wanted to have some fun, I thought she automatically knew what I meant. I thought wrong.

“Listen, if you think I’m just going to give it up to you right now, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Hasn’t stopped most girls before,” I said with a sexy grin.

Carrie shook her head and sighed.

“I’m not one of these girls you’re occasionally with on campus. I have more respect for myself than that, Morgan.”

“Maybe so, but I think you wanted to see for yourself what girls say about me.”

“Get over yourself, Morgan,” she told me, going to the door and opening it.

I sighed and put on my shirt. Oh well, it didn’t matter. She wasn’t the first girl and definitely wouldn’t be the last. I knew I should stop being an ass towards women, but to be honest, I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to have fun and not be tied down to anyone. I mean, was it a crime to feel that way? To my knowledge, it wasn’t, so why should anyone else be upset about it? The only concern I had before graduating college was living my life, and if that included banging every female at Thompson University, then damn it, I would.

Maybe there was a reason why I felt this way. No, it didn’t have anything to do with a relationship that went wrong or a girl cheating on me; it’s just the fact that I hadn’t met anyone worth committing to. Most of the girls I’d dated were just like me, only wanting to have fun and not be tied down. But, of course, I was the one looking like the man-whore. My mom thought so, and even my best friend, Lamar thought so. I never really understood why Lamar would think that when he was the same way. Well, he was until he met his current girlfriend, Tamara Morris. The two met during our sophomore year at Thompson, and she automatically turned Lamar into a whipping boy. Nothing was wrong with that, but it wasn’t my style.

I walked over to the mirror near the dresser and looked at my reflection. There could be one girl who could make me change my ways, if I wanted to. Hayley Stevens. Hayley was the definition of perfection. Smooth, creamy skin the color of brown sugar, black natural curls that I wanted to twist my fingers through all day and night, and her lips. Full, thick lips that I wanted to suck and kiss on for eternity. Did I mention that girl had a banging body? Yes, she definitely did. I couldn’t help but notice how her hips were shaped in her favorite jeans or her long legs walking past me when she wore her signature baby doll dresses. She oozed sexiness without even trying. She just naturally was.

I shook my head, trying to shake my thoughts of her. I opened the door and saw her and her friend, Paula Howard, walking towards the stairs. She looked at me with a confident smile and pushed her curls away from her face.

“Hey, Morgan,”

“Hey, Hayley. I didn’t think you would be here.”

“What, I can’t be at a Kappa party?”

“Well, you know how Lamar is.”

“Well, what Lamar doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?” She asked, giving me a flirtatious smile.

I stared at her, thinking how sexy this girl was. I knew she was flirting with me, and being the man that I am, I could probably use it to my advantage, but I knew I couldn’t. Not with her.

Paula looked at us and sighed.

“Let’s go, Hales. Bye, Morgan,” she said, pulling Hayley along as they went downstairs.

I exhaled and put a hand to my chest. Damn, I wanted her, but I knew if I pursued her, it would only cause trouble.

I could have any girl at Thompson University, and I almost did, but there was one girl I couldn’t have, and that was Hayley. The reason? Hayley is my best friend’s sister.

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